How to Use Online Content to Grow Your Business

Reaching out to potential consumers has never been easier than it is now, thanks to the Internet. Search engines, podcasts, social media, and videos provide your business with access to a much larger audience than you ever could’ve imagined.

Publishing content online is one of the greatest long-term strategies for reaching that market. Online content boosts your business’ authority, brand exposure, and revenue.

Your company can develop brand ambassadors who will buy your products or services for years and suggest them to their friends and family by reaching out to people through content. They can gain knowledge from your blog or social media material, share your products with their followers, or buy the product when a new line is announced.

Content may be published on your website or recycled for use on many channels. It can also be delivered straight to the inboxes of your target audience. If you have a podcast, your audience  can get alerts whenever you release a new episode.

Your company can benefit from content in the following ways:

  • Increased exposure
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Increased visibility & authority

Content is the dynamic engine that drives your company’s online marketing.

When it comes to publishing information online, here’s what you should know:

  1. Provide value to your audience. Giving value (free info, guidance, and recommendations) establishes your company’s reputation and keeps it in front of customers’ thoughts.
  2. Create a customer journey map. Content marketing is a form of storytelling that guides customers through several stages:

    • Awareness. This is where potential consumers discover more about you and your company. With a call-to-action to subscribe to your newsletter, you can move clients from the “Awareness” stage and on to the next. The content at this point might be:

      • Viral posts (for people to share and retweet)

      • Tutorials (for those who want to learn how to do something specific)

      • Case studies or expert content (to build industry credibility)

    • Consideration. At this point, potential consumers are familiar with you and might be willing to buy from you. They’re already invested in your circle. Half-educational, half-promotional content is now possible. You’ll use content like case studies, newsletters, and podcasts to reach out to customers at this point.

    • Decision. Customers that are in the decision stage have faith in your company and are considering making a purchase from you. The goal of the content isn’t to educate or raise brand recognition. It’s to discuss the advantages of your goods or services. The call-to-action at this point directs the customer to either make a purchase or begin a free trial.

  3. Make a plan of action. A plan is necessary to ensure that your team achieves its objectives.

    • What are your objectives when it comes to content creation?

    • What is the plan for monetization?

    • How will you attain your objectives?

    • Set an audience intent for each platform. Is Pinterest a source of inspiration for your target audience? For tutorials, why not use Instagram?

  4. Engage with the people in your area. Use content to communicate with and interact with your audience. Help them feel as if they are a part of something bigger. Create content that engages people in what you believe in. Post content created by the community.

  5. Make a name for yourself as an industry leader. You could also utilize content to set your company apart in your field. What makes your company unique, and how can you produce content that represents that?

  6. Create a brand style guide that reflects the voice and tone of the company. When it comes to publishing, a brand style guide ensures that your staff is on the same page. It can also serve as a point of reference when brainstorming content ideas to publish.

Customers progress through the customer journey when you are informative and helpful. Customers begin to see you as a part of their everyday life outside your products or services when you go beyond producing information about your business.

We have free access to a huge market thanks to social media. You can create lasting brand recognition via shareable content that extends beyond the items you offer today.

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